Astrology of the 2024 Presidential Election -- Part IV: You're No Jack Kennedy
And the Winner from Dixville Notch is...
No matter who wins the election this November, at least half of the country will be disaffected and dissatisfied. This famous line from the 1988 vice-presidential debate, between Lloyd Bentsen and Dan Quayle, seems to typify the mood of our country when contemplating our current presidential candidates.
I’m not sure that any of our presidential candidates have ever been of especially high caliber at least not since Jack Kennedy and the era of Camelot. But who knows what the future might bring. Soooo…
Buckle-up buttercups, it’s going to be a wild ride. We’re about to charge right into the deepest darkest passageways of the archetypal mind. I thought I would recap the past 3 weeks, but instead I’ve decided step on the gas and keep things moving. So, if you haven’t read Part I, Part II, and Part III I suggest you do so now. You have to be familiar with the November 5th election chart or Part IV won’t make much sense. Let’s get started!
There is allot of planetary detail ahead, but if you take the time to wade through it, and follow along, you will see that it tells a very interesting story regarding the events of this coming fall. Here is some basic information for those newer to astrology:
The Aspects
Conjunction: 0°-10°
Sextile: 60°
Square: 90°
Trine: 120°
Opposition: 180°
The sextile and trine are the soft aspects where energy flows freely and the expression of planetary archetypes often go unnoticed. No new is good news!
The square and opposition are the hard aspects and bring strife, challenge, and fighting.
The conjunction contains elements of both the hard and soft aspects. The stronger planet will predominate, especially when the Sun is involved.
Orbs between aspecting planets can be anywhere from 0°-10°, give or take a few degrees, depending on the planets involved. I have mostly been focusing on orbs of 3° or less. The tighter the orb the more significant and stronger the effect of the planets.
In the following section, I have paired each of the candidates natal charts with the election chart of November 5th, 2024 in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire. The Dixville chart shows where the planets will be at midnight on election day when voting first begins. I have paired the charts in a bi-wheel format that shows the election chart, with the transiting planets, on the inside. The candidate’s natal chart appears on the outside of the bi-wheels. This is opposite to what most people are used to seeing when looking at a natal chart that includes transiting planets. There is a reason for this inversion, and it is related to the all important question at hand. What we want to know is who will win the election on election day? In order to answer that specific question we must orient the three natal charts to the election chart by tying them all to the the election chart’s ascendant degree.
If I was giving a general natal chart reading about RFK and what is going on in his life, I would put the transiting planets on the outside of his natal chart and the ascendant would be dictated by his birth time. Our question instead relates to the beginning time of the election on November 5th of 2024. The answer to our question comes from the ascendant degree at midnight in Dixville, not from the natal charts of the individual candidates. The natal charts of the candidates will all be anchored to the ascendant degree at midnight on November 5th. This will all make more sense as we go through the chart details and the significations of the transiting planets.
I have removed one or two planets, from each of the charts, because they don’t add much to the story. I have done this in order to reduce clutter and make it easier to follow along.
RFK the third party challenger:
I will start with Pluto and move counter-clockwise on the outer wheel which is RFK’s natal chart. The inside wheel shows the transiting planets on election day (fig. 1).
1) Pluto -- on the ascendant indicates the presence of dark underworld forces.
-- the Moon trines RFK’s natal Pluto, from the 5th house of romance. Immorality is indicated if the house is afflicted. The 5th house is ruled by Saturn the superior malefic. The Moon is afflicted by its trine to Pluto on the ascendant and another transit to Neptune (not shown) by square.
-- Uranus also transits Pluto, this time by square at a 1° orb. Pluto shows intense situations and obsession, the close square indicates great difficulties and stress, while Uranus shows someone who is stressed and a nervous wreck.
2) Saturn and Mars -- the Sun transits both Saturn and Mars by conjunction. Saturn also transits the two planets by trine. Saturn and the Sun are RFK’s two significators in the election chart. The Sun here appears to be caught in the middle of a lot of malefic energy.
3) Venus and Sun -- Uranus transits both planets by trine < 2°. With RFK’s Venus and Sun in the 5th house, Uranus themes of perversity and immorality seem to be indicated especially with the 5th house connection.
4) Mercury -- Pluto transits RFK’s natal Mercury < 1°, both planets are in the 6th house of civil service and pandemics. Pluto with Mercury brings themes of secrecy and the evil magician archetype; a dream image associated with this combination is a dead woman in a haunted car (Butler p. 112). Mars closely transits Mercury, by opposition, from the 12th house of hidden enemies this further emphasizes the theme of secrecy, along with added aggression and violence.
5) Jupiter -- Jupiter on election night transits RFK’s natal Jupiter. He is within 3 degrees of having a Jupiter return. The two Jupiters in Gemini, in the 10th house of kings, reminds me of a dream I once had about two sets of twins. I am riding on horseback with two other gentlemen beside me. They are twins and I make a mental note to myself of their handsome features. Then, I look up and to the right, I see another set of twins riding on horses as they travel across the sky. These two twins are stunning in their good looks and regal dress. They move across the sky like ethereal princes or Greek Gods. While the two Jupiters both in the sign of Gemini invoke the image of the two sets of twins, it is the 10th house and, the sign opposite to Gemini, Sagittarius that completes the images of royalty, rulership and horses. I bring this all up simply to point out that the two Jupiters in Gemini are in the sign of their detriment. A theme that was discussed in part III.
6) The Moon --Sun and Saturn transit by trine < 1° all three are in water signs. The Sun and Saturn are RFK’s significators in the election chart. The Moon is in the 11th house of good fortune and the king’s allies. The Sun transits from the 3rd house of communications and Saturn from the 7th house of international negotiations. Perhaps this is an indication that RFK will be acting in a prominent role in the next administration.
7) Uranus -- RFK’s natal Uranus sextiles the 10th house cusp at 18ˈ of arc. The 10th house cusp is the Midheaven (MC). Natal Uranus, like the Moon, is in the 11th house of the king’s allies. This would again seem to indicate that RFK has some role to play in the next administration or alternatively he could become involved in some sort of eccentric, explosive, or unexpected drama.
I am not sure what kind of over-arching narrative I can articulate when tying all of these descriptions of planetary transits together. Pluto is featured prominently, along with Uranus. All I can really speculate is to say that if RFK wins the election, I don’t think it will be the end of the deep-state.
The ruling party -- Joe Biden and the Democrats:
We will start with Neptune and move counter-clockwise on the outer wheel of Biden’s natal chart. The inside wheel shows the transiting planets, in the sky on election day (fig. 2).
1) Neptune -- Neptune, in the 2nd house of the nation’s assets, is being transited by opposition from Neptune in the 8th house of war and international crisis. This indicates that things are not going well on the international front. At the same time, Mars transits by sextile from the 12th house of hidden enemies. Mercury also transits by sextile but from the 4th house of the opposition party. Mars and Mercury are Trump’s significators on the election chart. All of this energy focused on Neptune, planet of confusion, shows the toll that it is taking on Biden who is in cognitive decline. Natal Neptune in the 2nd house of the nations assets warns of the danger of having a hobbled president in the position of leading the country in a time of war.
2) Mars -- Is being transited by the Sun in the third house of communications and propaganda. This shows Biden engaged in a battle for his political life.
3) Mercury -- is on the cusp of the 4th house of the opposition party. This shows Biden occupied by concern for the outcome of the election. Uranus transiting in opposition from Biden’s own 10th house shows the volatility of the situation and the potential for violence.
4) Sun -- The outer three “modern” planets are all transiting Biden’s natal Sun. His vitality is being drained by Pluto’s intense power struggles; Neptune’s confusion and uncertainty; and Uranus’ stress and unpredictability. Uranus in opposition, from his own 10th house, is especially significant. The instability of international affairs combined with an especially vitriolic election cycle makes for a potentially explosive and unpredictable time in our country’s history.
5) Venus -- located next to the Sun in the oppositions 4th house is similarly afflicted by all three of the outer planets.
6) The natal Ascendant -- Biden’s natal ascendant degree falls in the middle of the 4th house of the opposition party along with his Mercury, Sun, and Venus. This emphasizes the overwhelming influence of the 4th house and Biden’s weakness in the face of the opposition.
7) The Moon -- The Moon in the 9th house of foreign affairs is being transited by Mars in square from the 12th house of incapacitation. This shows Biden with little energy to deal with foreign policy decisions at a difficult time.
8) Uranus -- Mercury transits by opposition (< 1°) from the 4th house of the opposition party. This is the flip side of #3 where Uranus transited Mercury by opposition from the ruling party’s 10th house. This shows the inevitable squabbling, posturing, and strategizing over what will inevitably be another closely contested election. The losing party will undoubtedly accuse the other side of stealing the election. Uranus, again, highlights the potential for violence coming from both sides of the aisle.
9) Jupiter -- Uranus transits by sextile < 1°. With Jupiter as the ruler of the 8th house of war and natural disasters we are left wondering just how ugly things are going to get by election day.
10) Pluto -- Mercury transits Pluto in the 12th house by trine from the 4th house of the opposition party. This shows power struggles, obsession, and secret enemies plaguing Biden.
— Pluto also transits itself by opposition within 7°. You have to be old to be having a Pluto opposition. Biden will be 82 years old in a couple weeks after the election. There is a lot of talk in the news today regarding Biden’s apparent cognitive decline especially when compared to Trump’s never ceasing energy. I suspect in four more years when Trump is 82, and having his own Pluto opposition, even he will begin to show his age.
Trump the former president and Republican party challenger:
We will start with Mars and move counter-clockwise on the outer wheel which is Trump’s natal chart. The inside wheel shows the transiting planets, in the sky, on election day (fig. 3).
1) Mars -- Trump’s natal Mars is within 2° of the election chart ascendant degree. Mars projects his rays forward 5° putting Mars in the all important 1st house of the country and its people.
— Venus and the Moon transit Mars by trine from the 4th and 5th houses. This shows these two planets having a beneficial effect on Trump’s main significator. This is especially important as they are the rulers of the 10th and 11th houses rulership and good fortune.
— Uranus transits Mars by square from the 10th house. Having Uranus shake things up in Biden’s 10th house is not a bad thing for Trump. The square aspect shows difficulties for Trump as well.
2) Natal Ascendant degree — Trump’s natal ascendant degree falls two degrees from the election chart’s ascendant degree. Having his ascendant fall this close to the election chart ascendant is a positive indicator for Trump especially when compared to Biden’s ascendant which falls into Trump’s 4th house. The contrast between the two natal ascendant degrees is about as stark as it gets.
3) Jupiter -- Jupiter in the 10th house of the ruling party transits itself by trine in the 3rd house of communications. This trine would seem to show Trump winning the propaganda war.
— The Moon and Venus both transit Jupiter by sextile making the energy from these planets work in Trump’s favor.
4) The Moon -- The Moon and Venus, in the 4th and 5th houses, are transiting Trump’s natal Moon in his own 4th house.
— Jupiter transits the Moon by opposition from Biden’s 10th house. This gives a nice symbolic representation of a hotly contested race for the presidency. This again highlights the importance of this configuration of planets for both Trump and Biden
5) Natal Midheaven -- Trump’s MC falls within 3° of the election chart’s Midheaven (MC) while Uranus transits 1° away. Uranus in the 10th house and close to Trump’s MC provides further testimony for him unseating Biden
6) Uranus and Sun -- Jupiter is transiting Trump’s natal Uranus and Sun while the Moon and Venus transit by opposition, all within a few degrees. All of these Uranus contacts in the 10th house makes one wonder if some truly unexpected and momentous event will catch us all by surprise on or around election day.
Trump was born a little less than four hours before a total lunar eclipse that occurred at 23° Sagittarius. This degree of the eclipse falls directly in the middle of Biden’s Venus and Moon at 22° and 24° degrees of Sagittarius. It is striking just how many of Trump’s natal placements seem to be strategically placed in the election chart. Trump’s natal Sun is in the 10th house of kings and rulers. Trump and Biden appear to be trading places.
7) Venus -- Uranus transits by sextile nearly exact at 1ˈ of arc. Once again Uranus is being spotlighted. Venus in the 11th house of good fortune is one final testimony in favor of Trump winning the election.
Further considerations of the election chart that effect Biden:
In this section I am referring to the election chart only (fig. 4).
The Moon rules the 11th house of the ruling party’s resources. Having the Moon close to Venus would at first appear to be positive, but because the Moon is afflicted by a square to Neptune and an opposition to an afflicted Jupiter (advisors) shows the ruling party have squandered their resources and their tactics that have been ineffective.
Jupiter afflicts Venus, representing Biden, and in turn gives a striking visual representation of the Venus/Moon pair as signifiers for both Trump and Biden. The Democrats’ tactics of taking the fight to Trump have ultimately been a liability for Biden and a benefit to Trump. It would seem Biden’s advisors have not served him well.
The fourth house is said to represent the beginning and end of all things... the vulnerability of old age, the process of death, and funerals (Houlding p.69). When it comes to a king trying to stay in power, finding his 10th house significator in the 4th house is a sign that things are not going to end well.
William Lilly states in Christian Astrology (1647) that a ruler will leave his command if the Moon is joined to a planet that is in opposition to the house she is in, or if the Moon is void of course (VOC), or in the sign of Capricorn. VOC simply means that the Moon does not make an aspect in the next 12° going forward. If we do not include the three “modern” planets that were unknown in the time of William Lilly, the Moon in this chart is VOC. As was noted in part III, the Moon will be entering the sign of Capricorn on election day at approximately 11:00 am. The Moon is peregrine and this is yet another bad indicator for the ruling party (CA p. 218).
There is some talk that if Biden does not do well in the first debate he could step aside at the Democratic national convention in July. One rather intriguing rumor is that he would then be replaced by the very popular Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer. Biden has been looking so cognitively disabled lately that I’m not sure that this won’t actually happen.
The first debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump is scheduled for June 27th at 9:00 pm in Atlanta, Georgia. I will return in four weeks to discuss the debate chart. Be sure to come back for my very interesting take on just how exactly the 1st presidential debate of 2024 will play out.
This is all very interesting, especially the part about the author of Christian Astrology.