From Mt. Olympus Straight to Your Heart: It's the Walz/Vance Supplemental Star Report!
What Secrets Lie in Full Sight of the Stars Burning Light?
All information on the stars is borrowed from Vivian Robson’s The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology (1995), unless otherwise noted.
Achernar — located at the mouth of the river in the constellation Eridan; it is of the influence of Jupiter. A magnitude-1 star located at 15° Pisces 40`. It is symbolized by the Cherub and the Sword and gives success in public office, beneficence, and religion. Located 1° 23` from Saturn, it brings preferment and success to Saturn (Walz). In the presidential debate chart of September 10th, Kamala was also signified by Saturn.
Algol — represents the head the of the Gorgon Medusa in the constellation of Perseus. It is of the influence of Saturn/Jupiter. A magnitude-2 star located at 26° Taurus 30`; It causes, misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence. It is the most evil star in the heavens. It is presently 22` of arc from Uranus. Uranus will exactly conjunct Algol, for the second time, on October 14th. The first conjunction was on July 20th one week after the first Trump assassination attempt; the final conjunction will occur on May 5th, 2025.
Bellatrix — located on the left shoulder of Orion. It is of the influence of Mars/Mercury. A magnitude-2 star located at 21° Gemini 17`; It gives great civil or military honor, but danger of sudden dishonor, renown, wealth, eminent friends, and liability to accidents, causing blindness and ruin.
Conjunct Jupiter — philosophical and religious mind, hypocrisy, may be fanatic, legal prominence, and great honor but danger of slander. Presently it is 2` of arc past Jupiter and in the 1st House of the country and its people, Jupiter in Gemini disposed by Mercury is in detriment and afflicted through its square to Neptune and Saturn. The angular house increases its influence and potential for destruction. Jupiter will be exactly conjunct Bellatrix on October 3rd. Fanaticism and slander could be triggers for protests and riots on, or before, November 5th when Mars will be in close opposition to Pluto.
Canopus — is one of the oars of the ship Argo in the constellation Argus. It’s nature is of Saturn/Jupiter. A magnitude-1 star, it is the second brightest star in the night-time sky, after Sirius. Located at 15° Cancer 17`. Argo is the ship that carried Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece. It is today composed of the constellations Carina, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela. (1)
Conjunct Mars: Cruel, bad-tempered, envious, jealous. At this time, Mars is 6` of arc past Canopus This conjunction emphasizes the Saturn characteristics of the grand water trine with Mars in fall, Saturn retrograde, and Venus in detriment.
Vindemiatrix — situated on Virgo’s right wing. It is of the nature of Saturn/Mercury. A magnitude-3 star located at 10° Libra 16`; It is known as the Widowmaker and figures strongly in deaths that are in some way dramatic or newsworthy eg. assassination, murder, execution, airline disasters etc. (1)
Conjunct Mercury: impulsive, too hasty, loss through writings and business. This star emphasizes Mercury (the people) combust and divided (Jupiter in Gemini) and conjunct the Sun in fall (Vance) brings concern for Vance’s safety. Mercury is 2` of arc from Vindemiatrix and will be exactly conjunct shortly after the start of the debate.
Alphecca — located in the constellation Corona Borealis; it is of the nature of Venus/Mercury. A magnitude-2 star located at 12° Scorpio 38`; It gives honor, dignity, and artistic ability.
Conjunct Venus: Favorable for love affairs, benefits from friends, artistic and musical taste. This star emphasizing Venus should lessen some of the more malefic aspects of the chart. Venus is in detriment and trine both Mars and Saturn… It is 1° 46` from Venus and will be exactly conjunct to Alphecca on October 3rd. See Stefan Burns video for an explanation of all the many rare and unusual astronomical phenomenon that are happening in October, including a Nova explosion coming from the Corona Borealis!
Acrab — is situated on the head of the Scorpion in the constellation Scorpius; it is of the nature of Mars/Saturn. A magnitude-3 star located at 3° Sagittarius 31`. This star gives wealth, preferment, honors, benefits that don’t last, success after much difficulty, violence, pestilence, and chronic, difficult-to-diagnose or possibly serious illness. Located in the strong angular house of open enemies it is 11` of Arc past the descendant (DC) and brings concern of escalating conflicts overseas or even an attack on U.S. soil.
See the full article Walz vs Vance: October 1st, in The Big Apple, What Does the Astrological Map Tell Us?