From Vivian Robson’s A Student’s Text-Book of Astrology (1922):
Analysis — what are the exact influences of each part, planet, position, and aspect
Note the aspects to the planet. A malefic planet well aspected will produce beneficial results. A benefic planet becomes weak or afflicted if ill aspected. Conflicted tendencies live side by side and are further confirmed or contradicted by other parts of the chart. Afflicted planets denote the nature of loss and evil. The houses ruled by an aspecting planet provide a key to interpretation.
My natal Moon is placed in the 4th house of roots and parents. It is in its fall in Scorpio, and it aspects all six of the other traditional planets. Four of the aspects are by square and two by trine. The two closest aspects are Moon-square-Mars, and Moon-trine-Venus. Mars, in Aquarius, rules my 5th house of pleasure, romance, art, children, and speculation; and my 10th house of career and reputation. The following is taken from Paul Haydn’s book The Astrological Moon (1998):
Moon Square Mars: The square indicates intentions and frustrations related to expressing feelings and taking actions. Conflict may occur when you attempt to direct your will when instincts and emotions are not supportive, or are giving contrary signals. These internal stresses may often prevent relationships or career from being fully satisfying or successful. Emotional volatility is likely, and you display periodic temper outbursts when inner pressure overflows in provocative situations.
Your inability to fully control pent-up emotions, and your tendency to interpret all experiences and comments as personally directed, keeps emotions in a state of underlying turmoil, which can later manifest as arguments and confrontation. Sometimes you seem to relish arguments as an excuse for self assertion, although they are often more a means to release inhibited energy than a real exchange of different viewpoints. In fact, you tend to dismiss others beliefs, and opinions without respectful consideration. This, coupled with a dismissive style, which can seem like a verbal attack, succeeds mainly in alienating people. Eventually, there is reduced help and support from others.
If contentious temperamental displays become increasingly dominant, then psychosomatic health disorders may be one consequence, stimulated by stress through interpersonal conflict, or through repressed anger. Such symptoms of ill-health are often emotionally caused, tending to affect the intestine and stomach areas, perhaps stimulating the formation of ulcers. You need to discover how to release these agitated feelings and direct them into constructive channels, perhaps by exploring methods of relaxation or meditation, and by gradually understanding your emotional complexity through self-help techniques.
You could be self-centered, intent on pursuing your way irrespective of the impact it has others. Sometimes you use Martian energies aggressively to gain your way, refusing adjustments and compromises with others, demanding that they appease your will and needs while denying any validity to theirs. You need to realize that “give-and-take” establishes a more appropriate balance and movement of energies within relationships; you might have expectations of what you need from others, but equally, they will demand some exchange from you.
Often instincts and emotional needs clash with your will for action, and you may feel confused regarding which to choose. This inability to know which way to turn increases frustration, and anyone offering help is likely to be rejected as interfering; you prefer to tread an independent path, even if it is a solitary one.
Fear of possible threats from others stimulate protective instincts. This unease is likely to persist as an undercurrent through life, even though it is mainly an imaginary fear. It is often your contentious and belligerent nature which arouses the ire of others and makes social relationships complex and unsatisfactory. You need to develop self-esteem based on appreciating your nature rather than on how you make others submit to you; this type of aggressive tactic, designed to achieve a sense of superiority, gains more enemies than friends. This is especially true in the career environment, which is likely to be unfulfilling and where pressures and self-imposed tensions have a direct influence on the rest of your life and relationships.
Despite your emotional vulnerability and sensitivity, attitudes may still remain immature and unintegrated; as a consequence, awareness and sensitivity to others is diminished. Others should be seen as enriching your life rather than posing hidden threats. You should concentrate more on cooperation and less on divisive competition. Compromise and trust will need developing, as well as a new perception extended to include the reality of others.
Acknowledge these stresses and construct channels for energies to move outward, instead of allowing them to contaminate your life and relationships by negative frustrations. Self-discipline may be required to achieve this; you must refuse to indulge in unnecessary argumentative behavior. Attractions towards drugs and alcohol should be avoided, as they may further agitate emotions into greater volatility.
Domestic and intimate relationship problems are likely unless greater understanding and maturity is gained. Men may try to be too forceful and aggressive with women, playing a “macho” role without much understanding and sensitivity to the female temperament, oppressing through asserting raw power without sympathy, and over-identifying with Mars energy and denying the Moon. Women may passively respond to a more dominant partner and, in the process, deny personal instincts and emotions. These may become consigned to the unconscious where they fester and gain hidden power, waiting for the right time to be unleashed to destroy an imprisoning life-style.
Venus, in Pisces, its sign of exaltation, rules my 4th house of roots and parents; and my 11th house of friends and good fortune. Here is more from Paul Haydn’s book:
Moon trine Venus: The trine suggest you have a harmonious and sensitive nature, often expressed through a conciliatory spirit and social and intimate relationships. Working in a mediating capacity, or with the public may enable this quality to be successfully demonstrated.
Personal assets include a warm, sensitive, and sympathetic heart, empathetic understanding, imagination, sincerity, an optimistic, positive attitude, and a sense of perspective and proportion that heals, calms, and aids communication if conflict occurs. You should be able to use these well for the benefit of all. With your support and encouragement, many a troubled heart can be served. You can be a good listener, resisting the temptation to interfere by imposing your perspective on someone. You listen with an open heart and mind, and then help another to gain a deeper understanding of their problems by proposing key questions that require consideration for progress and resolution. You prefer straight talking, moving beyond superficiality and evasion to the essence of problems; some may respond well to this, others may find this approach to unsettling and challenging, and avoid involvement with you. But your intentions remain good, and you know that you genuinely desire the best for everyone, often spending time sharing positive and creative energies with others as a consciously supportive action.
You have a confident and positive self image, valuing your perspective on life. Personal integrity is important to you, so avoid compromising this; being true to yourself has a higher priority than simple personal gain. You believe that positive attitudes benefit all, and you may decide to reject indulging in negative thoughts and emotions, attitudes that can make you useful to others who are more prone to suffer from life’s vagaries. As you probably realize, positive attitudes, thoughts, and emotions, generate positivity, while negative ones generate only negativity; whichever attitude dominates will shape and create life experiences.
There can be artistic and imaginative abilities, and creativity could be useful, pursued for self-expression or professionally, especially in areas like art, music, acting, singing, or craft-work.
Love, domesticity, and family are important, and you will derive much benefit from ensuring that your intimate relationships are honest, positive, and optimistic. Emotional satisfaction is highly valued, and you need to feel convinced that your emotional commitment to a lover will not be abused or that trust broken. Having children will attract, and you can display a natural understanding of childhood needs. You will have a protective family instinct, and prefer to keep your home life and relationship private, sharing only what you choose to with outsiders.
Synthesis: Mars is ruler of my 10th house of career (fig. 1). The first 10 years of my work career was spent in restaurants where I was mostly employed in the back of the house. After that, I spent another 29 years as an RN in a state psychiatric facility working with forensic patients. I more or less thrived in this setting where few others stayed for the full ride. As for the 5th house, it’s probably fair to say that my romantic life has been rather afflicted, as in not expressed in the most wholesome of fashions.
Venus rules my 4th house where my somewhat afflicted Moon sits next to Neptune. I think this exalted 4th house ruler has been a saving grace for me. I can say that I have a comfortable home in a livable city neighborhood, with good neighbors, and in walking distance to a gorgeous lakefront park. Venus also rules my 11th house of friends. Sometimes I feel like this part of my life has suffered, but the truth is I have been blessed with many really close friends over the years. It is unfortunate that so many of them have already passed. I am a Cancer rising so the Moon is the ruler of my 1st house of personality, manner of expression, and emotional strength (1).