The Striking Symmetry of the VP Debate Chart and What I Think that Means
Wait -- What? Another Daring Prediction?
There is a striking amount of symmetry contained within the VP debate chart that includes all of the traditional planets plus Neptune. This has led me to make a new prediction. First let me describe the symmetry; I think the prediction will make more sense if you first see all of the symmetry.
Starting with the Moon at 1° Libra 18`. It is exactly 5° from the South node at 6° Libra 18`. The vice-presidential debate is on Tuesday, October 1, and the election will be exactly 5 weeks later.
Next looking to the Sun, we find that it forms an approaching trine aspect to the 10th house cusp that has an orb of 27` of arc. Mercury also forms a trine aspect with the 10th house cusp only this time it is 28` of arc past the cusp. That is not perfect symmetry, but we will get there in a bit.
— Turning our attention to Jupiter, we see that it makes a square to both Neptune and Saturn. If we had an imaginary planet that was perfectly square to Jupiter, it would be at 21° Pisces 15`. This imaginary planet is 6° 58` past Saturn, and conversely it is 6° 57` before Neptune. Once again not perfect symmetry but just hang on.
— If we take the numbers from #2 of 27° and 28° and add them together we get 55. if we take the digits from 55 and add them together we get 10. And finally 10 reduces to 1. Now, let's take the digits from #3 and add them together and see what we get. 6+5+7+6+5+8=37, 3+7=10, 1+0=1. Now we finally get our perfect symmetry between the totals of the numbers from #2 and #3. #2 contains the Sun, and #3 contains Saturn, these are the two main significators from the vice-presidential debate chart.
Moving along, we find a final example of symmetry within the grand water trine formed by Saturn, Venus, and Mars. If we take the orb of the trine between Saturn and Venus of 3° 25` and add it to the orb of Saturn and Mars of 1° 06`, we get a total of 4° 31`. This, interestingly enough, is equal to the orb of the trine formed by Venus and Mars!
The closest presidential election we have had in the last 100 years was when George W. Bush beat Al Gore in 2000. The electoral college vote was 271 to 266. The next closest race after that was when George W. Bush beat John Kerry in 2004; that electoral vote was 286-251. Trump beat Clinton in 2016, 304-227. I predict that this race will be at least as close as the 2004 race with only 35 electoral votes separating the two candidates. It is possible that the two candidates could tie at 269 electoral votes each. According to the five-thirty-eight website there is 1 in 250 chance that the two candidates will tie. If that happens, the president will then be chosen by the House of Representatives and the Senate will choose the vice-president. That would make Trump the presumptive winner of the presidency and Kamala could become vice-president, again. I think it very likely that this race will be as close, or closer, than it was in 2000 when Bush won by 5 electoral votes. I will split the difference and predict that the electoral margin, in November, will be no more than 20. The current aggregate polling from Nate Silver and ABC, with 40 days left before the election, show Harris with a 56% chance of winning; she currently leads by 22 electoral votes.
See the full article to find what else may be in store for our near future! Walz vs Vance, October 1st, in The Big Apple: What Does the Astrological Map Tell Us?