Astrology of the 2024 Presidential Election -- Part III: The Devil's in the Details
A Weekly Mundane Astrology Series
In parts I and II we established the main significators for each of our three candidates. Before we begin looking at their co-significators, let’s recap what we learned about their main significators (fig. 1).
Biden and the ruling Democratic party are represented by the 10th house and Venus, ruler of Taurus found on the 10th house cusp. Venus is located in the strong angular 4th house which is also the house belonging to Trump.
Trump and the Republican party challengers are represented by the 4th house. Trump is signified by Mars, the ruler of the sign Scorpio found on the 4th house cusp. Mars is located in the weak 12th house of hidden enemies and incapacitation.
RFK Jr. and his third party challengers are represented by the 7th house. RFK is signified by Saturn ruler of Aquarius found on the 7th house cusp. Saturn is located in the strong angular 7th house, RFK’s own house.
All three of the main significators are peregrine. Showing the candidates to be confused, directionless and having little personal influence over the course events. Due to Trump’s legal problems, Biden and RFK appear to be better positioned to mobilize their resources for maximum effect. Though Biden and RFK appear to have the advantage, they are to some degree competing for the same voters. While RFK’s Saturn appears strong, positioned in the angular 7th house, it is retrograde.
Now, moving on to our candidates co-significators…
The Co-Significators include any planet located in a house belonging to a candidate. In addition, any planet making a strong aspect to a candidate’s main significator is considered a co-significator.
RFK’s co-significator:
The only planet RFK has in his house is Saturn, his main significator. Saturn however makes a close trine to the Sun. This makes the Sun his one and only co-significator. The Sun has rulership in face (+1), but the Sun is placed in the weak cadent third house where he has little power to act. The Sun and Saturn are traditionally seen as the two most incompatible planets. The once great ancient Babylonian astrologer Sal Ismael once compared the Sun/Saturn aspect to a worm caught inside the brain of a very smart man but unable to eat its way out. Okay I made that part up, but in case you missed it; it was recently reported that a dead worm was found inside of RFK’s head.
The Sun in a cadent house reflects Kennedy’s lack of major party support and apparatus. Without this support it will be difficult for him to raise campaign funds required for expensive TV adds and other forms of outreach. Without major party support, he struggles to insure that he will appear on all 50 state ballots.
Trump’s Co-significators:
Looking to the 4th house belonging to Trump, we see Mercury, Venus, and the Moon. Venus is Biden’s main significator; the Moon in a close conjunction to Venus makes it a co-significator of Biden. Though Trump may also lay claim to the Moon and Venus, they are more strongly identified with Biden. That leaves Mercury as Trump’s one co-significator; Pluto, an outer planet in close aspect to Trump, adds descriptive detail to his situation.
Mercury in Sagittarius is in the sign of its detriment. Sagittarius, the sign of Mercury’s detriment is opposite to its home sign, or ruling domicile, of Gemini. Mercury in detriment shows someone who is duplicitous, and unreliable. I am sure Trump’s opponents would not dispute that description. In addition to being in detriment, Mercury at 03° Sagittarius also has rulership by face (+1). Mercury is in the strong angular 4th house, Trump’s house, this shows him well fortified with resources and allies that allow him to act. Mercury is in trine to Mars, Trump’s significator. This indicates that Mercury’s relationship to Trump is positive and helpful. With Virgo on the 2nd house cusp, of the nation’s finances, and Gemini as a co-ruler of the 10th house of kings, Mercury is a strong co-significator for Trump.
Mars is in a partile (1°) opposition to Pluto, making Pluto another co-significator for Trump. As previously noted, Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus are not true significators but rather provide descriptive details in a horoscope. Mars in opposition to Pluto shows Trump involved in intense power struggles causing a great amount of worry. Mars and Pluto both straddling house cusps increases the intensity of these battles. A former president battling 91 criminal indictments while running for re-election is an apt analogy for Mars in opposition to Pluto. Mars is separating from its opposition to Pluto. This indicates that as of election day his legal worries are beginning to recede.
Biden’s Co-significators:
There are two planets, Jupiter and Uranus, in the 10th house signifying Biden and the ruling party. In the fourth house, the Moon closely conjunct Venus is also a co-significator.
Jupiter, the superior benefic planet, appears, at first, to be very good for Biden. Jupiter here, however, is afflicted on several fronts. He is peregrine, in detriment, and retrograde. A planet in detriment shows someone who is weak and dependent. The retrograde motion indicates reversals and setbacks. Jupiter in Gemini is in opposition to Biden’s significator Venus. This is a good description of someone experiencing episodes of cognitive impairment. His advanced age are also a factor in his ability to run an effective campaign. Though Biden and Trump have agreed to two debates, this is a risky proposition for someone in Biden’s condition. Jupiter, in this chart, rules the 8th house of national debt, danger from wars, and national disasters (Houlding). With Jupiter being afflicted it is likely that the economy and overseas wars will not be going well as of election day.
The Moon is in a close conjunction to Venus. This would seem to be a good sign for Biden. The Moon, in this chart, rules the 11th house representing the resources of the ruling party. This again shows the Biden camp taking the fight directly to Trump by attacking him with as many criminal indictments as they possibly find. The Moon with Venus in opposition to Jupiter, in Biden’s own house, shows their tactics not working as well as they had hoped. The Moon with Venus also makes a square to Neptune in the 8th house of wars and natural disasters. The square shows more conflict and tension. Neptune shows confusion and uncertainty. Biden has already been accused, by both sides, of not providing clear leadership in regards to Israeli war with Hamas.
Turning now to Uranus at 25° Taurus. Uranus close to the 10th house cusp further energizes its erratic nature and themes of tension release, divisiveness, shocking violence, and separation. The election will almost certainly be a tumultuous one, but will it turn violent? The potential for increased entanglements in two foreign wars will only increase as election day nears. With Uranus in the 10th house natural disasters become more likely. Uranus placed in the house of the ruling party makes Biden himself particularly vulnerable to the malefic forces of Uranus.
General observations on the election chart:
There are some interesting general observations that can be made about the November 5th election chart. When looking at the seven traditional planets, in an astrological chart, it is not unusual to find that two or three, or even four might be peregrine. This chart has five peregrine planets! When looking at the remaining two, it would not be unreasonable to think that they would have some kind of strong rulership. Instead, we find the remaining two planets in “face” the weakest kind of rulership.
Of the seven traditional planets, two are in detriment. When a planet is in detriment, it is in a sign opposite to its home domicile where he is ruler. A planet in Detriment is where it least likes to be, and it brings out the worst characteristics of that planet. In the same way that a planet in Domicile gets +5 points, a planet in detriment loses -5 points. Peregrine planets also lose -5 points. Looking at the scores of our seven planets essential dignity, only the Sun, ruler of the 12th and 1st houses manages a +1. It would seem the election tells us something about the overall state of our country and our confidence in its institutions and current leadership.
Leo is on the 12th and 1st house cusps, this makes the Sun the ruler of both these houses. The 1st house signifies the common people, the country and its general condition and the 12th house is the place of hidden enemies and places of incarceration and incapacitation. Having these two houses tied together by the same ruler tells us something about ourselves as a country. We are in effect our own worst enemies.
The Sun and Moon are called the luminaries. In this chart, they do not make an aspect to each other, and they are both below the horizon at the very bottom of the chart in the 3rd and 4th houses. These are indications that we will not have a clear winner on election day. At 12 midnight when election day begins, the Moon will be at 24° Sagittarius. At 11am the moon will just below the eastern horizon and will go into Capricorn, the sign of its detriment. There will now be three planets in detriment. I think it highly likely that this will be yet another national election filled with tumultuous activity surrounding the vote counting and declaration of our next president.
Next week we will analyze the election chart in relation to the natal charts of the three candidates. I will then make a prediction as to who will win the election! Moving forward we will continue to look for further testimony to support my prediction. The event charts of the Republican convention in July and the Democratic convention in August will also be very interesting indicators.
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Very interesting! Can't wait to hear about the election fortification the Obama team has perfected.