Astrology of the 2024 Presidential Election -- Simulation vs Real World Politics
The Only Scenario that Will Allow For a Contested Democratic Convention
God willing, on November 5th 2024 the citizens of the United States will elect a president to lead the country for four more years. Former president Donald Trump accepted his party’s nomination on July 18th at the Republican Convention in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Today, July 21st, Joe Biden formerly stepped aside as the presumptive Democrat nominee; at the same time, he endorsed his running mate Kamala Harris. There is talk of a contested Democratic convention. Now that Kamala has secured Joe Biden’s endorsement, this is highly unlikely. Vice President Harris ran on the Democratic primary ticket with Joe Biden, this makes her the presumptive nominee now that he has stepped aside. A contested nomination process would require Kamala’s compliance in an unprecedented scenario where as many as eight, largely unknown, candidates would be vetted, speed-dated, and narrowed through a process of unwritten rules and games that would ultimately lead to the crowning of a winner. All of this would have to happen within the next 30 days leading up to the Democratic convention on August 19. This strikes me as highly improbable even if we do find ourselves coming to agreement with Joe Rogan’s assertion that the untoward events of the past weeks leave little doubt that we are in fact living in a simulation. Even this simulated world would have to allow for the suspension of the laws that govern gravity itself for events to continue unrestrained. Unless our simulator overlords are prepared to fully reveal the veil that separates us from them, there will be no contested Democratic convention.
If this newly revealed world of simulation is brought home, Barack and Kamala will then be in psychotic agreement that it makes sense to splinter the party into eight separate factions with each of them vying for their own candidates cult-of-personality. Even in a world of sims, this scenerio would inevitably drive anyone left in the Bernie-bro faction once-and-for-all over to the Trump/Vance camp. Four weeks of Oprah, Taylor Swift, Bill Clinton, and George Soros preening and pruning over their newly minted contestants vying for the position of petty dictator will not have the effect of bringing Democratic voters home, or out to the polls. Perhaps they have decided that they do not really need to win. They simply have to have chosen their new leader before events overwhelm the possibility of an election actually taking place. Soon we may well see the final elimination of what is left of our illusions that we live in a constitutionally defined democratic republic. Toto will pull back the curtain to reveal George Soros as he hovers forward to announce the selection of the historic first beauty pageant winner. Yes, I could definitely see that happening.
Back to reality. If there is a contested convention, they will have to choose a woman and if she is not black you can be sure a sizeable chunk of the Democrats’ base will be sitting this one out. None of this makes any sense at all unless Michelle is prepared to run as their nominee, and I do not believe she is. Even if she is, she is untested as a candidate and would be a wild gambit. Hillary and Gretchen cannot win even if they could manage to not hemorrhage African-American votes.
The bottom line is that Kamala is not going to play along. Besides this, there are many other issues that will prevent a contested convention. There are the millions of dollars in campaign funds that were donated to the Biden/Harris ticket. If, in a simulated world, Harris does play along there will be numerous legal challenges forthcoming to a process that ignores the fact that one of the two Biden/Harris candidates is still in the race. They would have to rewrite their own party rules with only weeks left before the convention. Perhaps like the Patriot Act, of 2001, this has all been done in advance. Democrats have demonstrated a new found talent for the last minute rewriting of rules to suit their ends, but we have also seen that this tactic didn’t work out so well for them.
I will follow my own political instincts, astrology, and intuition to predict that we are going to enter a short period of relative stability where Kamala Harris will be nominated on day one of the Democratic national convention. Then on day four, she will be crowned as the Democratic nominee. With her, they have a shot at winning; with a beauty pageant winner they stand to lose everything. Gretchen Whitmer is a pharmaceutical vaccine junky who would be completely crushed by the Trump machine. Hillary is more reviled than ever, whether you believe the Podesta emails or not, she is an even worse bet than Greatchen. After four years of DEI and identity politics they simply cannot choose a white man. Of the male candidates Newsom is the only one with more than a little name recognition, and his record in California will not carry him across the finish line. That leaves Cory Booker. Get Kamala to play along, meaning we are living in a simulation, and this is a possibility.
In the real world, Kamala is the only option the Democrats have to return the country to any semblance of normalcy. The electorate is exhausted by this wildly unprecedented summer of news events. Any more juice sent into the simulations electrical circuits will bring a crushing defeat for the Democrats or a final collapse of our consensus reality. There simply aren’t two ways about it.
The Democrats have two options, Kamala or WW-III. Any moves away from an immediate consolidation of power behind her is a strong indicator of a world becoming finally unhinged. This detachment would quickly lead to an escalation of overseas conflicts. Any further encroachment on Russia sovereignty will almost certainly result in the detonation of nuclear explosions. As ill-prepared as we are for war with Russia, they are no match for the U.S. and Nato allies, and Putin knows this. That is why all of this talk of Russia running the board in Europe was all a bunch of nonsense from the beginning; it was nothing more than propaganda to justify their destruction of Ukraine.
Assuming we make it to election day, it will be a Trump/Harris contest. In the coming days, I will be taking a look at what the planets and stars have to say about the outcome of a Trump/Harris race for the presidency.
Stay tuned!
Let it flow!! 2024 is not a time in which you can bear the self burden of cognizance of whether or not you filtered your thoughts. You wrote as a naturalist, self expression is a beautiful thing!
I truly believe that she has become the party's chosen flag bearer because she basks in positions of power because she suffers from deeply rooted self esteem complexities. Thus, she is suggestive. A Harris Presidency solidifies a fourth term for Barack Hussein Obama, "The Renegade". Obama was groomed by the Council on Foreign Relations and the CIA from birth. His maternal grandparents, both his parents, his adopted father, and he, himself, have spent the entirety of their adult lives as servants to the real rulers of the world in the capacity of CIA operatives, literally. Kamala is along for the ride because she is incapable of creating a lavish life for herself. The most polarizing and authorities figures within the United States Federal Government have had been predetermined and destined for the roles in which they play. From Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin's lineage, Obama's true life story, the Clinton's ascension from mob upbringing, the Bush and Walker dynasty. It's a strategic interconnected web of deviants who's sole purpose is to establish a One World Government. That Global Order's lone motive is to Institute naturally selection by mass murder, serve their demonic God, honor him or them with ritualistic practices, and enslave what then remains of humanity until their thirst for power and control leads to human extinction because they are not capable of harnessing their own personal evil. It will manifest into weaponized mechanisms that will ultimately lead to human extinction. I am humble enough to realize our fate and my own limitations against such force, but I'm firm in my convictions and confident in my own consciousness to focus my energies during the remainder of my time in this realm to fight for humanity until my personal fight is exhausted and my body's will is laid to rest. Good vs Evil is our reality. There's no questioning where and with whom my frequency aligns. Great article. You don't place limitations on the realm of all possibilities. Expect the unexpected mate!