Let it flow!! 2024 is not a time in which you can bear the self burden of cognizance of whether or not you filtered your thoughts. You wrote as a naturalist, self expression is a beautiful thing!

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I truly believe that she has become the party's chosen flag bearer because she basks in positions of power because she suffers from deeply rooted self esteem complexities. Thus, she is suggestive. A Harris Presidency solidifies a fourth term for Barack Hussein Obama, "The Renegade". Obama was groomed by the Council on Foreign Relations and the CIA from birth. His maternal grandparents, both his parents, his adopted father, and he, himself, have spent the entirety of their adult lives as servants to the real rulers of the world in the capacity of CIA operatives, literally. Kamala is along for the ride because she is incapable of creating a lavish life for herself. The most polarizing and authorities figures within the United States Federal Government have had been predetermined and destined for the roles in which they play. From Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin's lineage, Obama's true life story, the Clinton's ascension from mob upbringing, the Bush and Walker dynasty. It's a strategic interconnected web of deviants who's sole purpose is to establish a One World Government. That Global Order's lone motive is to Institute naturally selection by mass murder, serve their demonic God, honor him or them with ritualistic practices, and enslave what then remains of humanity until their thirst for power and control leads to human extinction because they are not capable of harnessing their own personal evil. It will manifest into weaponized mechanisms that will ultimately lead to human extinction. I am humble enough to realize our fate and my own limitations against such force, but I'm firm in my convictions and confident in my own consciousness to focus my energies during the remainder of my time in this realm to fight for humanity until my personal fight is exhausted and my body's will is laid to rest. Good vs Evil is our reality. There's no questioning where and with whom my frequency aligns. Great article. You don't place limitations on the realm of all possibilities. Expect the unexpected mate!

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Very well written.

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Thank-you, but I seem to have lost any pretense of a filter. Oh well. I do think she will make the race interesting at the least. It will be fascinating to see if she can distinguish herself from the Democratic Party's machinations and give people a reason to feel that she can make a difference working within the tangled web that is the presidency.

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