The June 27th Presidential Debate Will Make History as a Major Turning Point in the 2024 U.S. Presidential Race
The Astrological Transits of Joe Biden's Natal Chart Show Him No Longer Able to Lead
The transiting planets on June 27th, 2024 are more than a bit troubling when delineated against Joe Biden’s natal chart. I believe the chart clearly shows a man in declining health who is no longer fit to be Commander-in-Chief. The chart shows, what I and most other people can clearly see, that the time has come for Joe Biden to step aside. The following is a brief description of the transiting planets and Biden’s natal chart.
1) Pluto trines Biden’s natal Neptune within 4˙ of arc.
2) Saturn is within 29˙ from the 4th house cusp. The 4th house can indicate failing health if there are other indicators.
3) The Moon, ruler of his 8th house of death, is in the 4th house and trines his natal Jupiter 13˙ of arc away. The two planets are in mutual reception. This is not good when one of them rules the 8th house and the other rules the 1st house of the nativity.
4) Neptune, in the 4th house, trines his natal Venus 1° 22˙
5) Mars in the 6th house of sickness opposes his natal Mars 1° 14˙ orb
6) Uranus in the 6th house sextiles Jupiter 27˙ of arc distance.
7) Jupiter the ruler of the 1st house sextiles his natal Pluto 21˙ of arc.
8) The Sun sextiles his natal Moon 6° orb. This is the only aspect greater than 2°. The majority of aspects are well under 1°
9) Venus in the eighth house of worries, obsession, and death trines his natal Mars 39˙ of arc away.
10) Mercury in the 8th house trines his natal Mercury 20˙ of arc away
Every planet makes an aspect. Nine of them close or very close. Almost all of the aspects are coming from the 4th house, the 6th house of sickness, or the 8th house of worries.
I don’t think there will be a debate and if there is it will be a disaster. I definitely think Biden will step down at or before the Democratic convention on August 19th. I can imagine a scenario where they can’t get Biden to agree to step down. They have carried this charade so far that it may now be very difficult to convince Biden that this is in his and the countries interest. One of the key symptoms of dementia is the lack of insight. We know Biden has a good excuse; I’m not sure what the excuse is for the Democratic party. Biden is clearly not competent at this point; I hope Congress is preparing to act if necessary.
Sadly this is quite accurate. Astrology good, reality bad.
Karl, thank you for your comment on this topic: '
In 1976 I was in the studio of an open line radio talk show in Kansas City to be questioned by the listeners in the 2nd hour. There was an Astrologer on the phone from Texas giving brief readings to callers based only on their Birth Date.
As there was an extended break for the News, I told the Astrologer I was born at 8am on Sunday, May 21, 1944 in Montreal, Canada. The Talk show Host, radio listeners and I were amazed with what his Chart told him based only on the information you now have. He didn't know me at all except for that information I gave him.
For the Time I was in Kansas City, I got into the position, for the 2nd hour of the Talk Show, I could show up unannounced at the Radio Station and they would let me into the Studio. The listeners knew my history because I was in the Studio about a dozen Times. I asked him if my Astrological Chart showed anything significant happening on February 1, 1975, and his chart told him I had a very powerful Spiritual experience on that date.
I wrote about what happened to me unexpectedly on that date here:
Hope this information interests you enough to look into it to see what your Chart says.
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Regards, Ray