Sadly this is quite accurate. Astrology good, reality bad.

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Karl, thank you for your comment on this topic: 'https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/23/msm-signaling-a-change-in-the-russia-ukraine-narrative/#comment-673257

In 1976 I was in the studio of an open line radio talk show in Kansas City to be questioned by the listeners in the 2nd hour. There was an Astrologer on the phone from Texas giving brief readings to callers based only on their Birth Date.

As there was an extended break for the News, I told the Astrologer I was born at 8am on Sunday, May 21, 1944 in Montreal, Canada. The Talk show Host, radio listeners and I were amazed with what his Chart told him based only on the information you now have. He didn't know me at all except for that information I gave him.

For the Time I was in Kansas City, I got into the position, for the 2nd hour of the Talk Show, I could show up unannounced at the Radio Station and they would let me into the Studio. The listeners knew my history because I was in the Studio about a dozen Times. I asked him if my Astrological Chart showed anything significant happening on February 1, 1975, and his chart told him I had a very powerful Spiritual experience on that date.

I wrote about what happened to me unexpectedly on that date here:


Hope this information interests you enough to look into it to see what your Chart says.

You can reply here on your site, or on this comment https://off-guardian.org/2024/06/23/msm-signaling-a-change-in-the-russia-ukraine-narrative/#comment-673227 or on my Blog here:


Regards, Ray

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Starting over... I read your story about February 1, 1975. It was very interesting. It sounds like you have had a very interesting life filled with good friends and adventure. I enjoyed the videos also esp "Awakening signs" That one bares repeated viewing to remind me what it feels like to be truly alive. I have a sister who is about your age. I am 62 and retired, at least for the moment anyway. As for your chart, I did take a look and I compared it to the transits of 1975. That brought me an interesting thought. The astrologer who was giving readings over the phone would not have had access to the computer programs of today where you can easily look up transits for one date and compare them to the birth chart of another date. Back then that would have been a very labor intensive process. So either that guy had a strong intuitive or psychic sense or had some autistic talent. More likely intuitive. Anyway, nothing stood out for me in the charts. But as I said earlier, I am a new astrologer and have never taken a class in natal chart interpretation. I did however recently finish a 20-week class in Traditional Astrology where we studied horary astrology. Basically it boils down to someone asking a question, about pretty much anything, and then you cast a chart for that moment in time when the astrologer accepts the question and the answer is based on the position of the stars for that time. I have only had a couple questions asked since completing the course and need some practice. So if you or someone you know has a question don't hesitate to contact me. The questions don't have to be big important questions they can be of a more trivial sort but you should still be invested in the question. For example let's say you lost your keys and you can't find them. Well you shouldn't call me up until you have really looked absolutely everywhere and still can't find them. Also, it can't be an item that you lost long ago. The energy is gone and the item simply isn't coming back if it has already been long gone.

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One thing in your natal chart did catch my attention. It looks like you were born close to a new Moon. I have a close friend with that same placement. It is an intriguing combination. My friend has a Cancer Moon, Cancer Sun. You were born right at the very beginning of Gemini your Sun is at 0 degrees and 55 minutes of Gemini. Your Moon is in the very last degrees of Taurus. Somewhere between 18-29 degrees of Taurus. I would need a birth time to figure out how close your Sun and Moon are. If the Moon is too close to the Sun it becomes over-powered. The Moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus. I imagine that you are rather easy-going, happy and sociable type who doesn't like to have his normal routine interrupted. Your Gemini Sun makes you energetic and sociable. Anyway it is interesting that these two "luminaries" are very close but in your case in different signs, It gives me something new to think about.

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Definitely interested and will take a look. I must confess to being a new astrologer. Sounds like the Kansas astrologer had many years of experience and more importantly new what he was talking about. Will write more later once I've had a chance to read your story. Thanks for the interest, much appreciated.

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I don't mean to impose anything on you, Karl!

I'm not sure of his name. Do you know of an Astrologer by the name of Gars Austin? Mind you, that was 48 years ago and he could be dead? In reading his chart, he did point out I was a WAR baby.

That experience did make me believe there is more to Astrology than just speculation and myth.

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Hi Ray, I attempted to post a comment on your blog but it didn't like the email I provided because "you are not logged into that account". Not sure how they know that. I guess I was supposed to create an account or use the iCloud email associated with my new computer. So creepy how they know more about my own information than I do myself. I am guessing you use Wordpress for your blog. It wanted me to log in using my Wordpress login info. When I attempted to it locked my comment up (after one attempt!) and said I would have to reset my password as a security precaution. Well I haven't used that account in years and with my deep-seated distrust of all things internet, esp Bill Gates, I opted out and lost the comment. Issues like these make me not want to write at all. Such a shame how the internet has gone from being a godsend to a curse. Soo let me start over...

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Karl, this is the 1st I heard using the contact form requires a sign in to WordPress. Thanks for letting me know. A professional re-designed my site as a gift and he included the Contact form. You're the 1st one to use it. Maybe others tried and gave up. That I'll never know.

The stats told me you viewed 'Day of Awakening - David vs Goliath vs Armageddon.' Leaving your comment there does not require any sign in. Then I'll have your email address I will reply to, and then you'll have mine.

It's been 48 years since that 1st detailed Astrological Chart reading. I won't forget what I was told. It was just a natural curiosity to know if the same information I gave that Astrologer so long ago would be the same with another Astrologer?

I appreciate your efforts.

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No imposition at all. I am not familiar with the name.

Looking forward to reading your story. I am in the middle of a hardware upgrade and finishing up a class...

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Good Day Karl,

I got your brief comment on my CONTACT page, but when I replied to your email address @yahoo.com delivery failed twice

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