Harris vs Trump, September 10th, in Historic Philadelphia: What Does the Astrological Map Tell Us?
Peaceful Transition of Power or Civil War?
The Main Significators:
The ruling party is signified by the 10th house cusp at 18° Capricorn 49`. Saturn rules the sign of Capricorn; Kamala Harris is signified by Saturn retrograde at 15° Pisces 48` in the malefic 12th house (fig. 1). Saturn is an appropriate significator for Kamala who has Saturn prominent in her natal chart where it is placed on the angular 10th house cusp and is in its domicile of Aquarius. Her natal Saturn is also retrograde, it trines both her ascendant and Sun while making a sextile to her Moon. Before becoming Vice President, Kamala worked as a prosecutor; this is a dignified Saturn position where she was the voice of authority who denied life’s liberties to those convicted of crimes. She has other Saturnine characteristics such as patience and perseverance; she has also been criticized by those who have worked for her as being difficult, emotionally detached, and severe.
The opposition party is signified by the 4th house cusp at 18° Cancer 49`. The Moon rules the sign of Cancer; Donald Trump is signified by the Moon at 16° Sagittarius 19` in the malefic 8th house. The Moon is prominent in Donald’s natal chart where it is located at 21° Sagittarius 12` in his angular 4th house where it sextiles Jupiter and makes a trine to his natal Mars. Both candidates were born during a full Moon. The Moon signifying the common man may seem like an odd fit for Trump. Though he was born to power and influence he has, as a candidate, marketed himself as a man of the people. He has accordingly been labeled a right-wing populist who champions the interests of the working man. His many legal woes have only endeared him to his voter base and those who feel the system is aligned against them. If your choice of candidate boils down to which one you would rather drink a beer with, the Moon wins hands-down over Saturn.
Saturn and the Moon are the only planets that appear above the horizon; they act as a symbolic representation of Trump and Harris on full display to the world while they debate. The two planets form a close, .5° orb, square aspect. The square aspect represents the antagonistic and confrontational nature of a debate especially between two candidates who have a mutual dislike of each other. The closeness of the orb indicates that the debate should be exciting. However, the two planets are moving away from each other; I do not anticipate any knock-out blows.
Saturn is peregrine indicating someone who is directionless and with little influence. The Moon has dignity in “face” (+1), the least amount of dignity possible. This lack of dignity is fitting for these two embattled candidates. Harris, in a historic first and late in the campaign, replaced an ailing president to become the Party’s nominee. The circumstances surrounding this momentous event were shielded from public scrutiny and this is represented by Saturn in the 12th house where we find matters that are hidden (1).
Trump’s fortunes have recently been looking up due to a couple of recent court rulings decided in his favor; he has nonetheless been embroiled in legal difficulties throughout this election campaign. The Moon in the 8th house of debt, worries, and allies of the opposition shows the ongoing pressures that continue to affect him.
Aspects to the Main Significators:
Jupiter is in opposition to the Moon while it also makes a square to Saturn. This may indicate that the issue of the nations wealth and resources will be one that is discussed during the debate. When Jupiter is in air signs, “Opportunities come when one expresses ideas enthusiastically and interacts with others for a future goal” (2). With Jupiter in the 2nd house there is a tendency to temp fate by believing that one’s needs will be provided for through sheer faith alone. I think there is a warning here for both parties that our spiraling debt crisis is in need of attention. Though this issue is being conveniently ignored, I believe it is on the mind of many voters who have concerns over the care-free spending habits of our elected officials. Inflation may be tamed for the moment, but it has come at great cost to the working poor and middle-class. As long as our fiscal policy consists of simply printing more money, inflation will continue to be a threat to the very fabric of our society.
Margaret Thatcher, who had her Jupiter in the 2nd house encouraged home ownership, economic entrepreneurship, and wealth accumulation. Always controversial, in socialist England, her message of small government and capitalist enterprise ultimately succeeded in turning around a severely ailing economy (3). When it comes to U.S. finances and resources, Trump, with his natal 3rd house Jupiter in Libra, is better positioned to maintain the trust of the electorate in the area of economic concerns. He has consistently polled better than his opponents in this area. Both parties could take a page from Margaret Thatcher and her ability to think outside of the box in a time of pending economic crises.
The two main significators, Saturn in Pisces and Moon in Sagittarius, are both disposed by Jupiter. Jupiter in this chart rules the 8th and 12th houses. Jupiter is in the sign of its detriment bringing out the worst characteristics of the planet. With Jupiter in detriment in the 2nd house of the nation’s resources opposing the Moon in the 8th house of death and also squaring Saturn retrograde in the 12th house of hidden enemies, there is a possible indication that Trump’s life is being threatened from within the government. Saturn insinuates itself into these proposed machinations through its squares to Jupiter and the Moon while opposing the Sun with its cold dark shadow.
The Sun, in the self-critical sign of Virgo, is placed in the malefic 6th house of sickness along with Venus. Venus rules the 1st house of the people, while the Sun rules the 5th house of pleasure and children. Having these two planets afflicted in this way shows the people of the country under duress. Venus is strong in the sign of Libra, its Domicile. Venus is however frustrated and unable to act in the weak cadent 6th house. Substantive 6th house issues such as pandemic response, drug addiction, and ballooning rates of chronic health conditions may be of concern but will be ignored by our pharmaceutical sponsored debate hosts. Trump’s newfound alliance with RFK Jr. may allow these subjects to at least be brought into the light of day during the final months of this presidential campaign season. It will be very interesting to see exactly how Trump and RFK Jr. will handle these complex issues. From the perspective of the left, abortion and trans-rights would seem to be the only health concerns facing our nation at this time.
Saturn, despite its close aspects to the Sun and Jupiter, does not have any conclusive influence as these two planets are separating from her. She moves backwards, by retrograde motion, into a void where there are no other planets waiting to meet her. The Moon, on the other hand, is moving forward to meet the Sun and Jupiter after having just left a square with Saturn, in the 12th house of hidden enemies, and before that a sextile with Venus in the 6th house of the working classes, armed forces, and police (4). Due to the Moon’s much faster motion, all of the activity is going on around him rather than the much slower Saturn.
The Moon begins its journey forward by perfecting a square with the Sun. When the two luminaries come together it shows that a matter will come to light or culmination. The Sun, ruler of the 5th house of ambassadors, is located in the 6th house of the working classes along with Venus, significator of the electorate. This could indicate the possibility of a dialogue between the two parties that might help avert our election day from devolving into mass civil unrest or even civil war. However, the ruling party has not, in recent times, shown itself amenable to negotiations of any sort. The Sun itself makes a trine, within 2` of arc, to the cusp of 10th house of rulers. The Sun being the natural ruler of kings and heads of state, along with the trine being the most positive of aspects, is an indicator showing Trump gaining traction out of the debate.
The Moon next travels to complete an opposition with Jupiter. This is the only contact the Moon makes with a planet not in one of the three malevolent houses. And yet, Jupiter is itself the ruler of the 8th and 12th houses. The Moon is in Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius; and so, Jupiter receives the Moon. This is not good when Jupiter is the ruler of two malefic houses. The only good news is Jupiter is weakened by being in the sign of its detriment. The Moon, in the 8th house of the allies of the opponent, could be seen as an indication that his opponents will have him imprisoned if they anticipate losing the election. They will be assuming that they themselves will wind up in jail if they don't first dispense with their opponent. If there are any ambassadors in the 6th house, let’s hope that they are talented and influential.
Both Saturn and the Moon are in a sextile relationship to the cusp of 10th house of the ruling party. The Moon is moving towards perfecting the sextile while Saturn is moving away due to its retrograde motion. This would seem to be another indication of Trump gaining momentum coming out of the debate.
Other Considerations:
Mercury, ruling the 2nd house of the nation’s resources, would seem to have something more to add to this debate chart as evidenced by its making a close application to a sextile with Mars. Mars in Cancer, the sign of its fall, is in the 3rd house of communications and rules the 7th house of open enemies and is co-ruler of the 12th house of hidden enemies. Issues of our nation’s treasure going to finance overseas wars and deep-state influence within our own country are subjects that will at most be discussed superficially during the debate. Both parties are very pro-Israel, especially the Republicans; both parties are very compromised by the deep-state, especially the Democrats. These issues are however very much on the minds of the electorate.
The Outer Planets:
Pluto in Capricorn is in the 10th angular house of rulers and reputations (fig.2). Pluto, the planet of transformation brings intense situations and power struggles. The angular 10th house magnifies Pluto’s intensity. Pluto retrograded back into the sign of Capricorn on June 12th, 2023. He will do so again on September 3rd and remain in Capricorn until after the election when he will go back into Aquarius for the 3rd and final time on November 20th. Pluto moving into Aquarius signals a generational change. He will not change signs again until the 2040s. Pluto moving back and forth, and back again, between Capricorn and Aquarius seems to be saying that we have to move backwards before we can once again move forward. If Pluto were in Aquarius on election day, I would see that as an affirmation of the current ruling party staying in party. However since this is not the case, I see election day as a final gasp of Pluto in Capricorn returning Trump to office. This is complete conjecture on my part and has no astrological precedent that I can point to. See my election series Astrology of the 2024 Election for other indicators of a possible second term for President Trump.
Neptune in Pisces is in the malefic 12th house of incapacitation and brings confusion and uncertainty. Hidden enemies may be working to confuse and/or inflame the public. If the ruling party anticipates losing the election they may desire widespread unrest before the ballots are counted so that they can declare martial law and cancel the election.
Uranus in the 1st house of the country and its inhabitants brings unpredictable, violent, and shocking eruptions. Uranus rising can be indicative of rigid ideologies that do not leave room for expression of the individual. There may be intense pressure to conform with the group, or mob, during this time. When people take on extremist viewpoints the tendency to project ones own foibles onto an “other” is intensified. Fanaticism could go unchecked (5).
Even though Pluto and Uranus are placed in angular houses that emphasize their potential malignant influence, I see no other indicators, related to the outer planets, that forecast the beginning of a major civil war. The three outer planet are in peaceful aspects to each other and do not aspect the other traditional planets at all. I do think the potential is there for serious unrest resulting in much death and destruction. At this point, I am clearly reading into the chart outcomes that go far beyond the question of who will win the debate, but I do feel that the chart has taken me there coupled with the high levels of tension already building throughout the country.
The South Node in the 6th house of the working classes and placed next to Venus, ruler of the 1st house of the people, is one final worrying sign for an election season that could spiral downward and out of control at a moment’s notice.
Seven Stars:
The debate chart has a striking number of fixed stars with very close orbs to a conjunction with a planet or angle; four of the orbs are within 10` of arc (fig.3). The Astrological meanings of these seven stars are taken from Vivian Robson’s The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology (1923).
Vega — located in the lower part of the Lyre, it is of the nature of Venus/Mercury. A magnitude-1 star at 15° Capricorn 40`. It gives beneficence, ideality, hopefulness, refinement and changeability. It makes its natives grave, sober, outwardly pretentious and usually lascivious. With Midheaven (MC) — high success is promised. One can find Vega in corresponding aspects in birth charts of statesman, politicians, persons of importance and influential persons. Vega is the brightest star in the constellation Lyra. The Great Seal of the United States with its Masonic iconography explicitly encodes Vega and the constellation Lyra within it. See Christopher Knowles The Great Seal Decoded, Finally. In this chart, it is appropriately placed in the Midheaven (MC).
Achernar — located at the mouth of the river in the constellation Eridan; it is of the influence of Jupiter. A magnitude-1 star, at 15° Pisces 40`. It is symbolized by the Cherub and the Sword and gives success in public office, beneficence, and religion.
Falling 8` of arc away, it gives preferment and success in public office to Saturn (Harris).
Sharatan — situated on the north Horn of the Ram. It is of the nature of Mars/Saturn. It causes bodily injuries, unscrupulous defeat, destruction by fire, war, or earthquake. Falling 9` of arc from the ascendant, signifying the people, gives great concern of widespread conflagrations.
Bellatrix — located on the left shoulder of Orion. it is of the influence of Mars/Mercury. It gives great civil or military honor, but danger of sudden dishonor, renown, wealth, eminent friends, and liability to accidents, causing blindness and ruin. With Jupiter — philosophical and religious mind, hypocrisy, may be fanatic, legal prominence, and great honor but danger of slander. Located in the 2nd house of the country’s resources gives further concern of ruin. Fanaticism and slander could be triggers for protests and riots on November 5th when Mars will be in close opposition to Pluto.
Propus — located between the shoulders of the twins in the constellation Gemini. It is of the nature of Mercury/Venus and gives strength, eminence and success. Within 4` of arc from Mars in Cancer, the sign of its fall, and ruling the 7th house of open enemies and 12th house of hidden enemies, a possible indication of attack from those who feel oppressed or stricken.
Wasat — located on the right arm of the northern twin in Gemini, it is of the nature of Saturn. It gives violence, malevolence, destructiveness as a first principal, and is connected with chemicals, poisons and gas. Within 2` of arc from the IC representing the earth’s resources, things that are hidden, and what is below; it is a worrying sign that deadly stockpiles of weapons could be released.
Ras Algethi — located in the head of the kneeling Hercules, it is of the nature of Saturn/Venus at 16° Sagittarius 29`. The star corresponds to boldness and a drive to gain power.
With Moon — optimistic, bold, courageous, can gain public preferment in their careers. Some may leave their mark on posterity (6). 10` of arc distant, it gives preferment and success in public office to the Moon (Trump).
As bad as this chart may look, my sense is that we will be getting a very rude awakening but that all-out Civil War is probably not on the table between now and January 20, 2025 when the next president will be inaugurated. However, once Uranus goes into Gemini, later in 2025, all bets are off. Our country always goes to war at some point during Uranus’ transit through the sign of Gemini. All three of the outer planets are currently in feminine signs. In 2025, they will all have begun to move into masculine signs where they are more aggressive. My hope is that if, or when, we do experience widespread unrest we will take a deep breath and find a way to avoid any further descent into Hell and not become engaged in Civil War II. At times like these, we must hope for leaders who are capable of bridging the great chasms that are splitting our nation apart. We are the ones who will ultimately decide our future.
Really interesting. I thought the comments on Margret Thatcher were especially on point.
This was excellent so thank you for taking the time to write it. I’ve re-stacked it with a note so won’t repeat what I wrote there.
As a student of astrology, I’ve much to learn so have a question for you from that spirit. I see you used the Regiomontanus House system. Is this because what you’re doing is a form of horary astrology?
The only reason I ask the question in that way is a friend is currently taking a year-long horary class and just this week shared with me that they use Regiomontanus.
But maybe there’s another reason. Anyway, if you have time, I’d appreciate an answer about that.
I continue to struggle with the concept of Houses as it feels like it just adds a layer of human interpretation that we then go on to interpret. Maybe it’s due to my Capricorn stellium (including Mercury at 0 degrees), but I like to “keep it simple, stupid.”
Anyway, both my Saturnian nature and my tight Jupiter-Moon conjunction in Capricorn with my Cancer Rising compels me to once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking so much time on your article. I can recognize from my own posts when someone has put in such time and I really value people who do that.
Also, I found your analysis very balanced and you stated it all based on your understanding of the charts. Anyway, I’m impressed! Thanks again and, time on your end permitting, I look forward to any response.