Aug 30Liked by Anteros Astrology

Really interesting. I thought the comments on Margret Thatcher were especially on point.

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This was excellent so thank you for taking the time to write it. I’ve re-stacked it with a note so won’t repeat what I wrote there.

As a student of astrology, I’ve much to learn so have a question for you from that spirit. I see you used the Regiomontanus House system. Is this because what you’re doing is a form of horary astrology?

The only reason I ask the question in that way is a friend is currently taking a year-long horary class and just this week shared with me that they use Regiomontanus.

But maybe there’s another reason. Anyway, if you have time, I’d appreciate an answer about that.

I continue to struggle with the concept of Houses as it feels like it just adds a layer of human interpretation that we then go on to interpret. Maybe it’s due to my Capricorn stellium (including Mercury at 0 degrees), but I like to “keep it simple, stupid.”

Anyway, both my Saturnian nature and my tight Jupiter-Moon conjunction in Capricorn with my Cancer Rising compels me to once again thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking so much time on your article. I can recognize from my own posts when someone has put in such time and I really value people who do that.

Also, I found your analysis very balanced and you stated it all based on your understanding of the charts. Anyway, I’m impressed! Thanks again and, time on your end permitting, I look forward to any response.


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Sep 1·edited Sep 1Author

Thank-you very much for your complimentary response to my article. last year I took a 20 week course in horary astrology through the School of Traditional Astrology and have been using Regiomontanus since. The more traditional approach really resonated with me. Before that time, I didn't feel like I was relating to the stars very well.

I have an Aquarius Stellium starting with Saturn at 6° followed by a besieged Mercury... I also like things orderly and straightforward. I become immediately lost when things start getting abstract. The Aquarius part of my Saturn appreciates astrology's wide open terrain. It feels a bit like the wild west must have, I think. You can still stake a claim, make it your own, and take whatever works and throw out the rest. What I'm doing here is, I think, somewhat unconventional. I read a couple articles by astrologers who were using an election day chart to make predictions on election outcomes, their results were mixed. Here, I have gone far beyond simply trying to determine the winner of the debate. I felt like the information in the chart was addressing the country's state of political unrest. Perhaps I went too far...

I still think there is a distinct possibility that Kamala Harris won't be the Democrats' candidate on November 5. I don't know how they could possibly switch her out at this late date, but if they see her losing control of the narrative I think they may very well find a way. Gavin Newsome and Gretchen Whitmer both have charts that line up with the election day chart much more than Kamala's does.

I'm currently reading "Moment of Astrology" by Geoffrey Cornelius. he passed away recently. He seems to be making a pretty strong case for astrology as a divinatory art. Perhaps this explains why so many different kinds of astrology all seem to work to one degree or another.

I have a Scorpio moon that squares the middle of my 7th-8th house stellium. So I often feel that the world is against me, and to some extent I'm sure it is. I know we all feel that way at times, but I do think that I draw my share of difficult energy ;). Thank goodness for my Cancer rising or I would have no initiative at all. I have no other cardinal placements in my chart and only one, outer, planet in fire. I think I am going to take a break from writing so that I can do more reading and studying. I am starting to see that there is a community of astrologers here on Substack, but I haven't found the time to look into their work. I am looking forward to reading more articles by you and the others so that I can see just what I'm missing. Thanks again for being so supportive. It can feel pretty lonely out here sometimes.

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Sep 1Liked by Anteros Astrology

First, you're welcome. I'm always heartened when fellow content creators deeply appreciate my gratitude with such a nice comment.

I'm actually on a bit of "Call to Action" of sorts lately with people, expressing to them to spend a little more time showing appreciation to independent content creators. There are many of us out here who are working hard and often sharing that work with little more than a "consider supporting my work" and not only do we not raise any (much?) money that way, we often don't even hear back from them.

From talking to and reading the work of other content creators, I think this is an issue many of us are dealing with and, quite honestly, SOME of it could be solved by our readers taking the time to even write a simple, "Thanks for this article. I enjoyed it." I know people have busy lives, but I also see that as an excuse that's too easily offered sometimes. Setting aside my soap box... ha ha...

Second, thanks for answering my question about why you use Regiomontanus. It sounds to me like you've gone through similar phases I have with astrology, where it's like you've still got the bug but something's not clicking, so isn't it great when we find something that does?

Using Whole Signs, for the time being, is enough for me, though most of the work I'm currently doing doesn't require using houses so I have a feeling my issues with houses isn't totally over. At least now, though, it's been simplified.

Last, I appreciated your unconventional approach, especially because you took the time to spell it out for the readers. And I did NOT think you took the analysis too far. If anything, I'm a person/reader/writer who would rather have too much information than not enough and my own style is certainly one that errs on the "too much" side of the equation.

Having said that, and being more serious here, personally, I don't see how someone can do 2024 election analysis without talking about those broader issues. Perhaps one could have more easily ignored them in a time of relatively stability with a reasonably clear leader, a la the 1996 Clinton-Dole, ahem, battle, lol, but considering America is going through a Pluto Return, is coming up on a Uranus Return and considering just the Big Picture astrology of the 2020s, I think you'd be doing your readers a disservice if you didn't go at least a little bit big.

Okay, there I go again---I once read that us Pluto in Sag natives like to read "long, philosophical novels" and, well, yeah, I think that's not only true for me but I tend to write them in Comments sections, as well! LOL. Have a nice start to your week!

PS I forgot to mention that, yes, one of the joys of 2024 for me has been, as my blog has gotten going, realizing there IS a nice astrology community on Substack and "meeting" and supporting such folks. I'd like to think the Pluto in Aquarius transit will be one where we can build professional communities with social media and Substack is, for me at least, a pretty good app to do that with.

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